Sejahtera - Mainstreaming Indigenous Knowledge & Local Wisdom

RCE Greater Gombak is also keen to rejuvenate and mainstream Sejahtera – a local concept of sustainable living as one of the main desired outcome of the RCE. The effort integrates will with the contribution of spirituality and indigenous value in transforming the whole community.

Sejahtera Gombak Community

Sejahtera for Future Education: SK Gong Tok Nasek

Sejahtera Malaysia

Jungle School Gombak

Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Section of Society - Gender Dysphoria

The Gender Dysphoria project is a holistic wellbeing project targeting the marginalised transgender community. The activities include both medical or healthcare related, and human being related as outlined below:
1) Provide evidence based alternatives for medical management of transgender including conversion therapy, and voluntary implant removal which in turn making their appearance more socially acceptable .
2) Annual spiritual retreats in which the activities in the program include medical check-ups, reviving inner strength, soft skills development and teambuilding. These retreats had been going on for the past 10 years.
3) Public education and financial aid assistance during Movement Control Order in the fight against COVID-19.
4) Awareness and education modules on Sexual Transmitted Disease
5) One of the activities involved in Gender Dysphoria is Taman Insan Sejahtera which is an avenue for the transgender community to take care of the environment and gain economic support from it.
6) This project has also been incorporated in university curriculum where an elective course is being offered for IIUM students who want to be involved with this project. This is to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to manage this group of communities.