Outstanding Flagship Projects
Change the World
Key message
The area is populated with middle and lower income groups of society. Given the density and nature of the housing, business and industrial activities, there are naturally issues of food supply, food production and post-consumption effects. However, among these communities, there are members who are fully conscious of the unsustainable impact that they have started initiatives to mitigate the issue of irresponsible consumption and food waste by making home vegetable gardens and composting.After realizing a lot of domestic waste ended at landfill in Kuala Lumpur, the community leaders (Councilor, Chief of Village, Residential Association Office Bearers, Surau committee and Rukuntetangga office bearers) and IIUM community initiated SDG project to reduce the waste by being responsible in consumption. People started to learn about ecology management, started to appreciate wildlife and forest in our surrounding. While saving some money for vegetables, people can reduce kitchen waste, people can have reasons for interaction among neighbours. Students can learn the practical neighbourhood life.

Whole Community Transformation Through “Feed to Educate”
Key message
Feed to Educate has changed the life of more than 300 students since its noble establishment by providing food assistance as a means to facilitate their study. Attendance to school has remarkably increased from 86% to 98% and academic performance increase by 4.38%.

Acknowledged Flagship Projects
Mainstreaming SDGc- Soceity as Agent of Changes
Parliamentary-based Capacity Building Project
Key message
SDGs is the best platform to gather multiple stakeholders i.e. government, NGOs, local communities to address complex development problems and work together for solutions. This workshop provides avenues for that while successfully introducing and enhancing the understanding of SDGs as illustrated in the pre-post knowledge on the SDG test.

Greater Gombak Animal Shelter Project
Key message
Construction of sustainable Greater Gombak Cat Shelter with support from multiple stakeholders, funding over RM 45 000 and reaching 2 725 audience, helped 89 stray cats so far and will be able to help more (70 at a time). Through humanising education, welfare of strays is now in good hands.

Living in Fortuitous Era (LIFE)
Key message
Living in Fortuitos Era (LIFE) is a collection of voluntary initiatives that took place during the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in Klang Valley community. It has left various impacts on the life of more than 30000 people, ranging from helping them to physically survive this pandemic to ensuring their socio-emotional well-being for the future.

Honourable Mention
Capacity Building for Islam, Peace and Civilizational Development: Engaging Extremism, Terrorism and Conflict through Education for Sustainability (2019 – 2020): #2Lead4Peace
Key message
The project gained significance like the proverbial snowball through empowerment from strategic collaborations. From the humble beginning of a research group, it expanded to include national and international partners. Likewise, the forging of peace can only be done when we as a community build bridges across people and organizations from various divides.

IIUM Mental Health and Psychosocial Care Team (IMPaCT)
Key message
IMPaCT has contributed in a variety of ways through its sustained efforts and commitments through the raising of awareness in psychosociospiritual knowledge and education as well as e-counselling and psychosocial support. It strives to attain its long-term goals of achieving the sustainable development goal of promoting good health and well-being.

Jalinan Siswa Bersama Masyarakat Asli Club (JASA) Mentoring Enviro-Camp
Key message
JASA Mentoring Enviro-Camp was designed as an educational camp for environmental and sustainable community knowledge. Its aims include exposing aboriginal students of the importance of caring for the environment and how to solve community issues through sustainable methods. Through this, students will gain practical knowledge for a sustainable future.