
Preserving Indigenous Languages

Coverage on BERNAMA TV News

Our languages are in Danger.

Over 100 indigenous languages exist in Malaysia. Most, however, are classified as endangered or have gone extinct. In order to save the rest from extinction, documentation of the language is key in ensuring that the language will not remain forgotten.

Preserving heritage online.

Wikimedia Malaysia and IIUM collaborate in using online Wikimedia platforms to preserve the indigenous languages through a series of programme known as WikiKata (literally meaning WikiWord). Through projects such as Wiktionary and Lingua Libre, we can take the small steps into keeping the language protected from total extinction, in hopes of bringing it alive once again.

The Process

Our volunteers undergo preparatory training to get ready for each programme. This includes not only learning to use the Wikimedia platforms, but also to relay the knowledge to participants during the workshops.

During the programme, knowledge sharing sessions are held in the form of workshops for the usage of platforms such as Wiktionary. Participants from the community would later be guided to add their own entries independently.

Aside the individual words and usages of the words, audio recordings of its pronunciations as well as video footage of the people speaking their mother tongue would be recorded to preserve its usage in a more complete manner.

Empowering Indigenous Communities

Indigenous communities are introduced to the world of Wikimedia projects, not only improving their technology literacy but also allow for them to preserve their local wisdom and knowledge to be accessed and appreciated by all.

Expanding Knowledge & Research

The programmes also serve as an opportunity for research to be conducted regarding the language and its usage, both by the Kulliyyah of Sustainable Tourism & Contemporary Languages IIUM (KSTCL) and the Center for Research in Language and Linguistics, National University Malaysia.



vocabulary entries added


pronunciation audio recorded


indigenous participants


communities visited

and counting…

Going International


Efforts to save the endangered indigenous languages through WikiKata has garnered multiple forms of international recognition and acclamation. The steps taken in the programmes to preserve these precious heritage were not only recognised as among the steps to preserve world knowledge, but also caught the attention of other passionate language preservers outside who flew over to Malaysia to learn from the practices put in place.

“Wikimedia Malaysia’s efforts to preserve the Mendriq language receive global attention
Coverage on BERNAMA TV News

The effort to preserve the Mendriq indigenous language during WikiKata Bahasa Mendriq in October 2023 was presented during the 18th annual international Wikimania conference. The presentation and effort caught the attention of the media, as well as the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, who aspired for the community to get together in these forms of efforts in preserving indigenous languages around Malaysia and worldwide.

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An example for the world...

Dr. Arjuna Fikrillah, 27, a medical doctor from Indonesia volunteered to join WikiKata Bahasa Kensiu in February 2024.

“From such a programme in Malaysia, I get the opportunity to learn how this language is preserved and perhaps it can be applied in Indonesia. This is my first visit to Malaysia and my first to participate in the programme at the Kensiu Orang Asli settlement … indeed, it has been a valuable learning experience.”

Bringing Awareness





Knowledge Sharing

The workshops within the communities serve as the most basic level of bringing awareness that is to do so within the communities themselves for action to be taken by the main stakeholders.

Social Media Posting

Awareness about the language is spread across social media through postings featuring the language’s vocabulary, making sure not only it remains preserved but known to the people.

Magazine Articles

The programme and effort has been promoted through writing by the researchers at KSTCL, who submitted it to the magazine of the Malaysian Institute of Language & Literature.

Newspaper Articles

Multiple articles writing about the process and story of the programme were also published on the newspaper, aside the news coverage gained from the multiple news agencies.

Sharing of Practices

Stories about the programme and effort has been shared on multiple stages, not only to increase awareness but also to promote action within society in other communities as well.

International Exposure

The programme is being brought to the international stage through multiple conferences, including the upcoming Asia-Pacific Wikimedia Conference in May 2024.

The Team

that made it possible

Wikimedia Malaysia



National University Malaysia


and the wonderful communities who fueled the efforts

Initiative leaders:

Support received from: